ADDIE: The Instructional Designers’ Best Friend

It’s Tried And True For A Reason!

Being tasked with the development of a new online course can be daunting—even if it’s in your job description. You are being trusted to take valuable information from a Subject Matter Expert (SME) and transform it into an exciting, interactive, and engaging eLearning course. What’s more is that you have five other requests sitting in the queue and you’re not sure where to start.

There are many variations of the course development process, but over time, experts have found that the most effective and comprehensive structure is the tried and true ADDIE process. It’s tried and true for a reason, folks! This iterative process is your best friend as an Instructional Designer (ID) because you can see exactly which stage each course is in and where you are going next. Read on if you are ready for the ADDIE road map. But first, a bonus step: the initiation phase.

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