Final Quiz Passing Score: Is The 80% Written In Stone?

Is There A Rationale Behind The 80%?

In all my 20+ years of designing eLearning courses, I have always set the passing score at 80%. Most instructional designers at the customer end too insist on this passing percentage. 80% has become some kind of default industry standard. But what is the rationale for this figure? Is there any logic behind it? Or is it something that learning specialists have arbitrarily chosen with the rest of us following suit? Let’s see if this magic number has any mooring in the learning theory. And if not, how should we go about setting the final passing score? 

When Do You Frame The Final Quiz?

The logical sequence of designing an eLearning course starts with identifying a business challenge that training can address to improve performance, followed by breaking down the training need(s) into measurable learning objectives (LOs) that are performance-based.

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